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Introducing Cardoshi, the virtual prepaid card solution offering a global audience the ability to create and load virtual Visa/Mastercard prepaid cards using PAMBO tokens.
For those holding PAMBO, the platform offers the convenience of creating and loading prepaid virtual Visa/Mastercard debit cards using PAMBO tokens, as well as a variety of renowned cryptocurrencies, encompassing stablecoins, across different blockchains. These virtual cards come with a maximum balance of $5000, a daily transaction cap of $2500, and are accepted by countless merchants globally.
A nominal fee of 2% is charged for card top-ups, with half of this fee (1%) dedicated to the purchase and subsequent burning of PAMBO tokens, reinforcing the continuous deflationary nature of the PAMBO token.
Note: Initially, virtual cards will be available in the USA, followed by Europe, and then in other parts of the world.